SANYO 4-241T07672 Demonstration Cassette


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A demo tape, which is really short for demonstration tape, is the music industry’s equivalent of a resume. It is a sample sound recording of a song or songs that a hopeful artist uses to catch the attention of record labels and producers. Though initially the demo tape was almost exclusively in cassette tape form, a cassette tape be used today


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Product name: SANYO 4-241T07672
Series number: T-14586
Time period: 1977
Tape type: Type I
Songs: Side A – 2 Songs
Side B – Blank
Comments: It is a cassette for demonstration of SANYO  (Sanyo Electric). Unlike common cassettes, the body label is upside down. This corresponds to the use of cassette teleco and radiocase that pass the cassette on the top side of the head  with the head facing up, and is believed to have been an accessory to such cassette equipment anslucent ( black smoke )

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